This is a pretty essay. Because I'm Jewish it doesn't make me uncomfortable or annoyed like a similar essay from a Christian or Muslim would. But to me it still starts from the same narcissistic point of view of all believers. We only need to pretend obviously human invented stories are true beyond our imagining if we think we're too important to accept that in the end our lives are meaningless random events in a universe we can never understand. We act otherwise. That's okay. We're here and there isn't really any other choice. But we don't have to pretend 🤷♂️
This is so beautiful, it makes me proud to inhabit the middle.
If we occupy it, others might not. Others may be pure and what they build will be as well-or not.
We will have helped flatten the ground to build upon by walking on it.
If that has been my role, I have lived with purpose.
If all is vanity, I have struggled and found community in the struggle.
Perhaps we ask too much for ourselves.
Yet poetry like this outlasts even the sun seeing nothing, anew.
This is a pretty essay. Because I'm Jewish it doesn't make me uncomfortable or annoyed like a similar essay from a Christian or Muslim would. But to me it still starts from the same narcissistic point of view of all believers. We only need to pretend obviously human invented stories are true beyond our imagining if we think we're too important to accept that in the end our lives are meaningless random events in a universe we can never understand. We act otherwise. That's okay. We're here and there isn't really any other choice. But we don't have to pretend 🤷♂️