Good read. I didn't know that the redemption of the firstborn was still obligatory on someone who hadn't had it done. I guess I need to ask my parents if they did it (probably not, my father's a gentile and my mom's Reform), and if not, do it at some point.

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This was a great read, thank you. Your reflection at the end was quite moving, maybe because it reminds me of a thought I had back in 2015 as Big Data was first becoming a thing. Exciting times! https://www.jpost.com/opinion/on-leaders-and-followers-in-the-age-of-big-torah-419336

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You note that Deep Research makes heavy use of VBM and Halachipedia. But in looking at the responses it produced, it seems like chabad.org and shulchanaruchharav.com (both of which reflect positions held by Chabad) are well represented, too. I wonder what Chabad's early and thorough adoption of web presence means for their current and future influence on AI-produced Torah.

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